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About Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy is a successful and well-evidenced humanistic and holistic approach to human living that developed in the mid 20th Century. Used within the NHS and with a large presence internationally, it takes the form of a respectful and graded engagement between client and therapist to sustain working at depth and developing the relational connection that is the basis of healing and development, growth and change.


How Gestalt Makes A Difference

Gestalt therapy is a powerful process approach to transforming the unfinished issues of the past, acknowledging losses and supporting living in the present with resourcefulness and resilience. Gestalt Therapy works by:


  • Providing a highly confidential situation in which you can speak and be heard safely and clearly

  • Establishing a healing relationship, a supportive and growthful experience based in the theories of human development, neuroscience and the wisdom of Buddhism

  • Paying close attention to your life situations, past and present, and the conditions that have co-created your reality; we work to support more choice-ful living in the here and now

  • Raising awareness around the meaning-making process and supporting understanding of how meanings of life events are made and can be re-made

  • Working holistically with your mind-body unity, we work to access somatic (body) process to support feeling whole, undoing ‘splits’ and emerging into the vitality and peace that follows a stronger whole-person integration.


When Gestalt can help

Gestalt Therapy is effective both at times of crisis and when it’s become apparent that old patterns and habits are hampering living with satisfaction in the present. Typical situations that can respond well to Gestalt Therapy are:


  • Major life changes: bereavement, moving home, illness, becoming a parent, starting a new job.

  • Ongoing problems: compulsive or addictive behaviour, depression, stress, panic attacks, anxiety, relationship problems, fertility issues, discrimination, sexual issues/sexuality

  • Struggling with past experiences: coming to terms with childhood events, trauma, abuse, abandonment.

  • A need to address core issues: issues of identity, belonging, diversity, meaning of life.

  • For psychotherapy and counselling trainees, needing ongoing therapy as a part of their training requirements.

Gestalt is...


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